Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hi Tia

Hey Tia your not ment to be at Auckland school your ment to be at Te Awamutu Pekerau Primary School!!! Are you lost? Next time I'll draw you a map to get back.

hi tia

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My travels

Hi everyone

I hope you have been really busy and doing more cool stuff in our class. I have been busy flitting around visiting new places and meeting new friends.

I came back on a big aeroplane that was coming back to New Zealand. I thought all aeroplanes landed in Auckland so I thought I would see that really tall place in Auckland when we were flying in to land.

I got a bit confused because I couldn't see it but I saw lots of blue water and some big mountains that had white stuff on it. It looked like ice cream - yum. I could also see some big things on the water and I heard someone call them boats and the ferry.
I wonder if you know where I might be?